There's one task that every database administrator and every database designer hates. Database schema modifications. Executing appropriate DDL scripts usually does the trick, but is the ALTER script for the modified object enough? What about dependencies? In a relational database pretty much every object is in some way related to one or more other objects - either depending on other objects or having other objects depend on it.
The issue of SQL object dependencies is a rather large one, so in this post let's focus on one particular area of object dependencies - the column - i.e. modifying a column with dependent objects.
There are several SQL objects that may be dependent on a column:
- key constraints (i.e. primary key and unique constraints);
- indexes;
- foreign key constraints
- defaults; and
- check constraints.
Whenever a column with dependent objects needs to be altered the above need to be handled appropriately. The column may of course be also referenced by procedures, functions and other dynamic objects. These dependencies are, however, not covered by this post - in other words: they demand a higher degree of (manual) labor.
Anyway, the usual practice when altering columns is to drop dependent objects before the modification, and recreating them afterwards. Sounds fairly simple, especially if all scripts are under source control, and if all objects have user-defined names, and if the schema is properly documented. Quite a few if's.
Sometimes the reality is oblivious to these conditions.
Sadly, some companies either tend not to keep scripts under source control or not all of the scripts have been placed under source control. The use of simplified DDL scripts is also very popular - not to mention the use of various visual editors. This results in system-generated object names, forcing the DBA to deal with meaningless designators rather than meaningful object names.
create table dbo.DummyTable ( DummyTableId int identity (1, 1) not null primary key ,DummyCreated datetime not null default(getdate()) ,DummyValue decimal(8, 4) not null check(DummyValue between -9999.9999 and 9999.9999) ) go
If you execute the above script you'll have generated three dependent objects with system-defined names.
They need to be and they most probably will be documented in one way or another, however, the names in the documentation might not match the actual object names, if the system is allowed to generate names. Especially after the objects have been subsequently altered or dropped and recreated, and let's not forget their migration into production. The imminent result is: more work hours for whoever is 'blessed' with having to implement database schema modifications.
Most companies with such less than appropriate database administration habits eventually end up hiring an expert to clear the mess. God bless these companies. ;)
This procedure provides basic assistance to the poor soul left with the task of implementing modifications of columns. It uses this function, the purpose of which is to return a string of columns that a particular constraint is composed of.
To see the procedure in action create a test database and add the objects using this script.
The definition of the procedure is a bit too long to post here, but has been designed by utilising the following four queries:
- The list of default constraints:
select schema_name(sys.objects.schema_id) as SchemaName ,sys.objects.[name] as TableName ,sys.columns.[name] as ColumnName ,sys.default_constraints.[name] as DefaultConstraintName from sys.objects inner join sys.columns on (sys.columns.[object_id] = sys.objects.[object_id]) inner join sys.default_constraints on (sys.default_constraints.parent_object_id = sys.objects.[object_id]) and (sys.default_constraints.parent_column_id = sys.columns.column_id) where (sys.objects.[type] = 'U') and (sys.objects.[name] not in ('sysdiagrams'))
- The list of check constraints:
select schema_name(sys.objects.schema_id) as SchemaName ,sys.objects.[name] as TableName ,sys.columns.[name] as ColumnName ,sys.check_constraints.[name] as CheckConstraintName from sys.objects inner join sys.columns on (sys.columns.[object_id] = sys.objects.[object_id]) inner join sys.check_constraints on (sys.check_constraints.parent_object_id = sys.objects.[object_id]) and (sys.check_constraints.parent_column_id = sys.columns.column_id) where (sys.objects.[type] = 'U') and (sys.objects.[name] not in ('sysdiagrams'))
- The list of foreign relationships:
select schema_name(sys.objects.schema_id) as SchemaName ,sys.objects.[name] as TableName ,sys.columns.[name] as ColumnName ,ForeignKeys.ForeignKeyName as ForeignKeyName ,ForeignKeys.ForeignTableSchema as ForeignTableSchema ,ForeignKeys.ForeignTableName as ForeignTableName ,Composite = case ForeignKeys.IsComposite when 0 then 'NO' when 1 then 'YES' else 'unknown' end from sys.objects inner join sys.columns on (sys.columns.[object_id] = sys.objects.[object_id]) inner join ( select sys.foreign_keys.[name] as ForeignKeyName ,schema_name(sys.objects.schema_id) as ForeignTableSchema ,sys.objects.[name] as ForeignTableName ,IsComposite = case ( select count(*) from sys.foreign_keys CtrlFk inner join sys.foreign_key_columns CtrlFkCol on (CtrlFkCol.constraint_object_id = CtrlFk.[object_id]) where (CtrlFk.[object_id] = sys.foreign_keys.[object_id]) ) when 1 then 0 else 1 end ,sys.foreign_keys.referenced_object_id as referenced_object_id ,sys.foreign_key_columns.referenced_column_id as referenced_column_id from sys.foreign_keys inner join sys.foreign_key_columns on (sys.foreign_key_columns.constraint_object_id = sys.foreign_keys.[object_id]) inner join sys.objects on (sys.objects.[object_id] = sys.foreign_keys.parent_object_id) inner join sys.columns on (sys.columns.[object_id] = sys.objects.[object_id]) and (sys.columns.column_id = sys.foreign_key_columns.parent_column_id) ) ForeignKeys on (ForeignKeys.referenced_object_id = sys.objects.[object_id]) and (ForeignKeys.referenced_column_id = sys.columns.column_id) where (sys.objects.[type] = 'U') and (sys.objects.[name] not in ('sysdiagrams'))
- The list of indexes:
select schema_name(sys.objects.schema_id) as SchemaName ,sys.objects.[name] as TableName ,sys.columns.[name] as ColumnName ,Indexes.IndexName as IndexName ,Composite = case Indexes.IsComposite when 0 then 'NO' when 1 then 'YES' else 'unknown' end from sys.objects inner join sys.columns on (sys.columns.[object_id] = sys.objects.[object_id]) inner join ( select sys.indexes.[name] as IndexName ,IsComposite = case ( select count(*) from sys.indexes CtrlNdx inner join sys.index_columns CtrlNdxCol on (CtrlNdxCol.[object_id] = CtrlNdx.[object_id]) and (CtrlNdxCol.index_id = CtrlNdx.index_id) where (CtrlNdx.index_id = sys.indexes.index_id) and (CtrlNdx.[object_id] = sys.objects.[object_id]) ) when 1 then 0 else 1 end ,sys.indexes.[object_id] as [object_id] ,sys.index_columns.column_id as column_id from sys.indexes inner join sys.index_columns on (sys.index_columns.[object_id] = sys.indexes.[object_id]) and (sys.index_columns.index_id = sys.indexes.index_id) inner join sys.objects on (sys.objects.[object_id] = sys.indexes.[object_id]) inner join sys.columns on (sys.columns.[object_id] = sys.objects.[object_id]) and (sys.columns.column_id = sys.index_columns.column_id) ) Indexes on (Indexes.[object_id] = sys.objects.[object_id]) and (Indexes.column_id = sys.columns.column_id) where (sys.objects.[type] = 'U') and (sys.objects.[name] not in ('sysdiagrams'))
The above queries are based directly on the SQL Server 2005 catalog views and would require some modifications to be compatible with SQL Server 2000. If I have the time, I'll add a 2000 version of the procedure (and the function).
The following operations are supported by the Action parameter (acts as a bitmap):
Value | Meaning |
0 | An overview of dependencies |
1 | DROP scripts |
2 | CREATE scripts |
3 | All scripts |
The procedure also replaces existing object names with more descriptive names - following the »object-type/table-name/column-name(s)« formula. Feel free to adapt to your standards.
A few examples of use:
- To see an overview of column-dependencies in the current database:
exec dbo.ColumnDependencies
- To build the statemets used when dropping the dependent objects of the table named 'TableWithNaughtyColumn' (use the Results to text option in SQL Server Management Studio):
exec dbo.ColumnDependencies @TableName = 'TableWithNaughtyColumn' ,@Action = 1
- To build the DROP and CREATE statements for the dependendent objects of a particular column (use the Results to text option in SQL Server Management Studio):
exec dbo.ColumnDependencies @TableName = 'TableWithNaughtyColumn' ,@ColumnName = 'NaughtyColumn' ,@Action = 3
The resulting script includes a designation of where the column DDL should be placed to complete the modification script.
Quite simple really.
Oh, and a word of warning: read the resulting script before attempting to execute it. And never execute the script on a live production system, unless you've thoroughly tested the effects in a controlled environment!
The purpose of this procedure is to assist you in preparing the full modification script, not to replace you!
P.S. The fnColumnList function used in this post is based on the aggregate concatenation function presented here.