select sysobjects.[name] as FuncName ,ParamName = case when syscolumns.[name] = '' then 'RETURNS' else syscolumns.[name] end ,systypes.[name] as Datatype ,syscolumns.length as Length ,'' as ReturnTable from sysobjects left join syscolumns on syscolumns.[id] = sysobjects.[id] inner join systypes on systypes.xusertype = syscolumns.xusertype where (sysobjects.xtype in ('FN', 'IF', 'TF')) and (left(sysobjects.[name], 3) != 'dt_') and (left(syscolumns.[name], 1) = '@' or syscolumns.[name] is null or syscolumns.[name] = '') union select sysobjects.[name] as FuncName ,'RETURNS TABLE' as ParamName ,'' as Datatype ,-1 as Length ,ReturnTable = ( select substring(substring(syscomments.[text], patindex('%returns%', syscomments.[text]), patindex('%as' + char(13) + '%', syscomments.[text]) - patindex('%returns%', syscomments.[text])), patindex('%table%', substring(syscomments.[text], patindex('%returns%', syscomments.[text]), patindex('%as' + char(13) + '%', syscomments.[text]) - patindex('%returns%', syscomments.[text]))), len(substring(syscomments.[text], patindex('%returns%', syscomments.[text]), patindex('%as' + char(13) + '%', syscomments.[text]) - patindex('%returns%', syscomments.[text])))) from syscomments where (syscomments.[id] = sysobjects.[id]) ) from sysobjects left join syscolumns on syscolumns.[id] is null where (sysobjects.xtype in ('TF')) and (left(sysobjects.[name], 3) != 'dt_') and (left(syscolumns.[name], 1) = '@' or syscolumns.[name] is null or syscolumns.[name] = '') order by FuncNameThe result-set is a flat table. ML
Thursday, February 03, 2005
Functions Overview
I use this query in MS Excel to view the parameters in each of the user-defined functions in a specific database.
It also provides me with an overview into the design of return tables for table functions.
Procedures Overview
I use this query in MS Excel to view the parameters in each of the procedures in a specific database.
select sysobjects.[name] as ProcName ,syscolumns.[name] as ParamName ,systypes.[name] as Datatype ,syscolumns.length as Length ,Special = case syscolumns.isoutparam when 1 then 'output' else '' end from sysobjects left join syscolumns on syscolumns.[id] = sysobjects.[id] inner join systypes on systypes.xusertype = syscolumns.xusertype where (sysobjects.xtype = 'P') order by ProcName ,syscolumns.colorderThe result-set is a flat table. ML
The First One
I started this blog to store and to share little bits and pieces of T-SQL code. They are but snippets and scripts which have brought efficiency into my work with SQL.
I sincerely hope they do the same for you.
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